1. Advances in Chemical Physics
  2. Advances in Drug Research
  3. Annual Review of Biochemistry
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  5. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolec
  6. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
  7. Biochemistry
  8. Biophysical Journal
  9. Biopolymers
  10. Chemical Reviews
  11. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Sy
  12. Computer Applications in the Biosciences
  13. Current Opinions in Biotechnology
  14. Current Opinions in Structural Biology
  15. Drug Design and Discovery
  16. Drug Discovery Today
  17. Journal of Chemical Physics
  18. Journal of Mathematical Biology
  19. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  20. Journal of Molecular Biology
  21. Journal of Organic Chemistry
  22. Journal of Physical Chemistry
  23. Journal of the American Chemical Society
  24. Journal of Theoretical Biology
  25. Modern Drug Discovery
  26. Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design
  27. Protein Engineering
  28. Protein Science
  29. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics
  30. Reviews in Modern Physics